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Parameter class

Bases: ABC

An abstract data class representing a parameter in an optimization model.

The Parameter class is an abstract base class (ABC) that defines the common interface for parameters in an optimization model. It provides information about the type of the parameter and the value type of its values.

Source code in pyorlib/structures/parameters/
class Parameter(ABC):
    An abstract data class representing a parameter in an optimization model.

    The `Parameter` class is an abstract base class (ABC) that defines the common interface for parameters in an
    optimization model. It provides information about the type of the parameter and the value type of its values.

    parameter_type: ParameterType
    """ The type of the parameter. """

    value_type: ValueType
    """ The value type of the parameter values. """

    def is_bounded(self) -> bool:
        Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter is bounded.
        :return: `True` if the parameter is bounded, `False` otherwise.
        return self.parameter_type == ParameterType.BOUNDED


parameter_type instance-attribute

parameter_type: ParameterType

The type of the parameter.

value_type instance-attribute

value_type: ValueType

The value type of the parameter values.

is_bounded property

is_bounded: bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether the parameter is bounded.


True if the parameter is bounded, False otherwise.



__init__(parameter_type: ParameterType, value_type: ValueType) -> None