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ORToolsEngine class

Bases: Engine

Concrete engine implementation using Google's OR-Tools linear programming solver.

This class provides an interface for formulating and solving linear and integer programming models using the OR-Tools solver.

Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
class ORToolsEngine(Engine):
    Concrete engine implementation using Google's OR-Tools linear programming solver.

    This class provides an interface for formulating and solving linear and
    integer programming models using the OR-Tools solver.

    class _Variable(Variable):
        Represents a OR-Tools variable in an optimization model.

        The `ORToolsVariable` class is a concrete implementation of the abstract `Variable` class.
        It represents a variable that is compatible with the OR-Tools solver.

        __slots__ = ["_ortools_var", "_solution_status"]

        def name(self) -> str:
            return str(

        def lower_bound(self) -> float:
            return float(

        def upper_bound(self) -> float:
            return float(self._ortools_var.ub())

        def value(self) -> float:
            if self._solution_status() in [SolutionStatus.OPTIMAL, SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE]:
                return float(round(self._ortools_var.solution_value(), 6))
                return -0.0

        def raw(self) -> Any:
            return self._ortools_var

        def __init__(
            name: str,
            solver: Solver,
            value_type: ValueType,
            solution_status: Callable[[], SolutionStatus],
            lower_bound: float = 0,
            upper_bound: float = inf,
            Initializes a new `ORToolsVariable` object with the specified attributes and creates a
            corresponding OR-Tools variable.
            :param name: The name of the variable.
            :param solver: A reference to the OR-Tools solver.
            :param value_type: An enumeration representing the type of the variable's value.
            :param solution_status: A callable function that returns the current solution status.
            :param lower_bound: The lower bound of the variable. Default is 0.
            :param upper_bound: The upper bound of the variable. Default is infinity.
            # Calls the super init method and its validations
            super().__init__(name=name, value_type=value_type, lower_bound=lower_bound, upper_bound=upper_bound)

            # Applies new validations
            if solver is None:
                raise ORToolsException("The 'solver' argument cannot be None.")

            # Creates the OR-Tools variable according to the value type
            ortools_var: ORToolsVar | None

            if self.value_type == ValueType.BINARY:
                ortools_var = solver.BoolVar(name=name)
            elif self.value_type == ValueType.INTEGER:
                ortools_var = solver.IntVar(name=name, lb=lower_bound, ub=upper_bound)
            elif self.value_type == ValueType.CONTINUOUS:
                ortools_var = solver.NumVar(name=name, lb=lower_bound, ub=upper_bound)
                raise ORToolsException("Unknown ValueType.")

            # Applies new validations
            if solution_status is None:
                raise ORToolsException("The 'solution_status' argument cannot be None.")

            if ortools_var is None:
                raise ORToolsException("Failed to create the OR-Tools variable.")

            # Instance attributes
            self._solution_status: Callable[[], SolutionStatus] = solution_status
            """ A callable to check the current status of the solution. """

            self._ortools_var: ORToolsVar = ortools_var
            """ A pywraplp.Variable object representing the variable in the OR-Tools solver. """

    def name(self) -> str:  # pragma: no cover
        return "OR-Tools Engine"

    def constraints(self) -> List[Element]:
        return [Expression(expression=constraint) for constraint in self._solver.constraints()]

    def objective_value(self) -> float | None:
        if self.solution_status in [SolutionStatus.OPTIMAL, SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE]:
            return float(self._solver.Objective().Value())
        return None

    def objective_expr(self) -> Element | None:
        objective = self._solver.Objective()
        return Expression(expression=objective) if objective is not None else None

    def solution_status(self) -> SolutionStatus:  # pragma: no cover
        if self._status == Solver.NOT_SOLVED:
            return SolutionStatus.NOT_SOLVED
        elif self._status == Solver.OPTIMAL:
            return SolutionStatus.OPTIMAL
        elif self._status == Solver.FEASIBLE:
            return SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE
        elif self._status == Solver.INFEASIBLE:
            return SolutionStatus.INFEASIBLE
        elif self._status in [Solver.UNBOUNDED, Solver.MODEL_INVALID, Solver.ABNORMAL]:
            return SolutionStatus.ERROR
            StdOutLogger.error(action="Solution status: ", msg=f"{self._status}")
            raise ORToolsException("Unhandled OR-Tools status code.")

    def __init__(self, solver: Solver | None = None, solver_params: MPSolverParameters | None = None):
        Initializes a new instance of the ORToolsEngine class.

        The solver and solver_params parameters enable customizing the
        underlying OR-Tools solver and its configuration.
        :param solver: An OR-Tools Solver object. If None, a new OR-Tools Solver
            will be instantiated using SCIP as its backend solver.
            Allows customizing the solver type (e.g. GLOP, SCIP).
        :param solver_params: OR-Tools solver parameters object. If None,
            default parameters will be used. Allows customizing the
            solver configuration.

        # Instance attributes
        self._solver: Solver = solver if solver else Solver.CreateSolver(solver_id="SCIP")
        """ A reference to the OR-Tools solver. """

        # Set or tools configuration
        self._solver_params: MPSolverParameters = solver_params if solver_params else MPSolverParameters()

        self._status: int = 6
        """ Represents the state of the solution. """

        if self._solver is None or not isinstance(self._solver, Solver):
            raise ORToolsException("The OR-Tools solver cannot be None.")

        if self._solver_params is None:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ORToolsException("The OR-Tools params cannot be None.")

    def add_variable(
        name: str,
        value_type: ValueType,
        lower_bound: float = 0,
        upper_bound: float = inf,
    ) -> Variable:
        return ORToolsEngine._Variable(
            solution_status=lambda: self.solution_status,

    def add_constraint(self, expression: Element) -> Element:
        return expression

    def set_objective(self, opt_type: OptimizationType, expression: Element) -> Element:
        if opt_type == OptimizationType.MINIMIZE:
        elif opt_type == OptimizationType.MAXIMIZE:
            raise ORToolsException("Optimization type not supported.")
        return expression

    def solve(self) -> None:
        self._status = self._solver.Solve(self._solver_params)


name property

name: str

constraints property

constraints: List[Element]

objective_value property

objective_value: float | None

objective_expr property

objective_expr: Element | None

solution_status property

solution_status: SolutionStatus



__init__(solver: Solver | None = None, solver_params: MPSolverParameters | None = None)

Initializes a new instance of the ORToolsEngine class.

The solver and solver_params parameters enable customizing the underlying OR-Tools solver and its configuration.


An OR-Tools Solver object. If None, a new OR-Tools Solver will be instantiated using SCIP as its backend solver. Allows customizing the solver type (e.g. GLOP, SCIP).

TYPE: Solver | None DEFAULT: None


OR-Tools solver parameters object. If None, default parameters will be used. Allows customizing the solver configuration.

TYPE: MPSolverParameters | None DEFAULT: None

Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
def __init__(self, solver: Solver | None = None, solver_params: MPSolverParameters | None = None):
    Initializes a new instance of the ORToolsEngine class.

    The solver and solver_params parameters enable customizing the
    underlying OR-Tools solver and its configuration.
    :param solver: An OR-Tools Solver object. If None, a new OR-Tools Solver
        will be instantiated using SCIP as its backend solver.
        Allows customizing the solver type (e.g. GLOP, SCIP).
    :param solver_params: OR-Tools solver parameters object. If None,
        default parameters will be used. Allows customizing the
        solver configuration.

    # Instance attributes
    self._solver: Solver = solver if solver else Solver.CreateSolver(solver_id="SCIP")
    """ A reference to the OR-Tools solver. """

    # Set or tools configuration
    self._solver_params: MPSolverParameters = solver_params if solver_params else MPSolverParameters()

    self._status: int = 6
    """ Represents the state of the solution. """

    if self._solver is None or not isinstance(self._solver, Solver):
        raise ORToolsException("The OR-Tools solver cannot be None.")

    if self._solver_params is None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ORToolsException("The OR-Tools params cannot be None.")


add_variable(name: str, value_type: ValueType, lower_bound: float = 0, upper_bound: float = inf) -> Variable
Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
def add_variable(
    name: str,
    value_type: ValueType,
    lower_bound: float = 0,
    upper_bound: float = inf,
) -> Variable:
    return ORToolsEngine._Variable(
        solution_status=lambda: self.solution_status,


add_constraint(expression: Element) -> Element
Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
def add_constraint(self, expression: Element) -> Element:
    return expression


set_objective(opt_type: OptimizationType, expression: Element) -> Element
Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
def set_objective(self, opt_type: OptimizationType, expression: Element) -> Element:
    if opt_type == OptimizationType.MINIMIZE:
    elif opt_type == OptimizationType.MAXIMIZE:
        raise ORToolsException("Optimization type not supported.")
    return expression


solve() -> None
Source code in pyorlib/engines/ortools/
def solve(self) -> None:
    self._status = self._solver.Solve(self._solver_params)